After the crocodiles of Arba Minch we left towards less habitated areas of Ethiopia: down to Konso and then west to the Omo Valley to Omorate. The nature became more dense again, there were less people (we enjoyed it very much!) and it got hotter and hotter while the road deteriorated to end as a real DIRT road!
Girls carrying fire wood - it's a women's world!!! |
There be rain, there be sun - fire wood is a daily duty. |
Material for the roof? |
Konso: there is no social net for the unfortunate child seen as "mad". One only looks at him but passes by. We stopped and asked what this boy had. An Ethiopian explained to us that we ought to make something for the boy: take him to hospital or something else. Yann got really mad: it's not the farenji's duty to come and save children that the Ethiopian society banishes, it's the Ethiopian's responsibility! The Ethiopian adult was taken back, but started doing "something". Later that day the boy was still there... |
Terracing the land for agriculture. |
It's all handwork |
Running for the farenji (to later steal his bread!) |
Roads in Ethiopia go up and down and up and down and... |
Where has the tarmac gone? |
Cotton production. |
Foot jewelry. |
Dirt road and two (still) happy bikers! |
The tribe of the Arbore. |
Cow game, one time they can feed and one time they will be eaten (Yann didn't get it all!) |
Quite good dirt road, we just didn't know it at the time. |
Blossoming cactus. |
It's the rainy season, but we were lucky. We had only some times rain. |
Traditional transport... |
...more modern transport. |
Rain in front, rain to the left, rain to the right, but none on our way! |
First river to be crossed carrying our luggage and bikes. |
Don't step on the ants, it's bad for your karma. |
Corrugated road - it's definitely NOT fun! It shakes your bones and rattles your whole body. |
Self critical observation? |
One of the local shops in Turmi. |
Carrying water from the borehole home (and making some money selling a picture opportunity to the farenji!)
After that she became a photographer and took a picture of us. |
Anyone knows what animal this is? |
Meet the dusty crazy driver! |
Termites... |
Rain to the right while cycling into Omorate, our last village in Ethiopia. |
This are no larves, these are local boats to cross the Omo River , and we are going to cross the Omo river in them....!!! |
A night of rain and the main road in Omorate becomes difficult to travel on... |
Crossing Omo River.... |
Yes, we made it dry to the other end! |
Cycling towards Kenya - still a lot of children |
The last civil station in Ethiopia: an immigration officer complained about the uneducated pastorals, the little education in Ethiopia and the much higher education in Kenya. He concluded with: "they had colonization, we didn't. Maybe we should have had...!!!!!" |
Ethiopian military post at the border to Kenya. A new country is waiting!!!! |